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6 Amazingly Inspiring Stories of Successful People

It is usual for anyone to reflect on the celebrated status of successful people and wish the same
success and glory for oneself. But have you ever thought about the endless obstacles that those
who are at the top of the world have overcome to reach their destination? The path to success
and glory is indeed a tough journey and not strewn with roses at all. It is exactly because of this
hard-earned success that when we learn about their struggles of successful people, we get
inspired. Here are a few amazing stories about famous people that will motivate you to work
harder to reach your goal. Scroll down to read the stories and get inspired.

6 Amazingly Inspiring Stories of Successful People

1. Before J.K. Rowling, the now famous and best-selling author published the Harry Potter
series, she was leading a life plagued by extreme difficulties. She didn`t have any money, was a
divorced mother struggling to feed her single child and was under the grip of severe depression.
Her only source of sustenance was the aid she received from the government. But in spite of
these problems, she continued working on “Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone”, the first
book of the series that writing at that time and in a couple of years, the sales of her books made
her a billionaire.

6 Amazingly Inspiring Stories of Successful People

2. Abraham Lincoln, who is considered to be the greatest president of the United States, faced
numerous failures in his life. At the beginning of his career, he tried to make his entry into Law
school but couldn`t succeed. When he tried to start his business, he went broke. Then there were
political failures to deter him. Lincoln was defeated in numerous elections. But in spite of these
failures he continued doing his best to achieve his goals and finally became the president of

6 Amazingly Inspiring Stories of Successful People

3. Henry Ford, the man who founded the Ford Motor Company, didn`t achieve success
overnight. The businesses that he started at the early phase of his life had proved to be failures
and this made him totally bankrupt. But he refused to give up and went on to lunch the Ford
company, which now ranks amongst the highly successful automotive companies.

6 Amazingly Inspiring Stories of Successful People

4. The renowned American author Stephen King`s struggle-ridden writing career inspires one
and all. At the beginning of his struggle, he lived with his wife in a trailer and they did odd jobs
to survive. What`s more, King`s books were rejected umpteenth number of times before they
were published. One of his well-known works, the thriller Carrie, was rejected for 30 times but
when it was published by one of the publishers, it made history through its record-breaking sales.

6 Amazingly Inspiring Stories of Successful People

5. Oprah Winfrey, the popular face on the world of the television and one of the richest women
in the world, was allegedly sexually abused when she was a little girl and after completing her
education when she started working, she faced a lot of setbacks in her career, including being
sacked from her job in one of her stints as a television reporter. But Oprah was not the woman to
accept defeat and through her hard work and determination, became one of the most successful
women on earth.
6 Amazingly Inspiring Stories of Successful People

6. The story of Colonel Sanders, who is known worldwide for his Kentucky Fried Chicken, is
another inspirational one. At the beginning of his career, he was sacked from an array of odd
jobs that he did for survival and then when he reached his 40s he started cooking chicken at his
Shell Service Station. However, several factors forced him to close down his chicken business

and this left him completely broke. But he didn`t give up and after a record-breaking number of
around 1,000 rejections, it was only in his 60s that he found franchises willing to sell his
Kentucky Fried Chicken. Then in the year 1965, he sold his franchise rights for $2 million. And
in 1976, he became one of the world`s most recognized celebrities.

6 Amazingly Inspiring Stories of Successful People | Abraham Lincoln | American author Stephen King`s | Colonel Sanders | Henry Ford | J.K. Rowling | Oprah Winfrey