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Humans are growing uncanny, bone spikes on their skulls. Smart phones may be the reason.

In current days people spend more time in scrolling their smart phones that tends to be changing the skulls. This may be the reason for growing a weird, bony spike just above the necks especially in youngsters. This bony skull bump named as an external occipital protuberance is sometimes so large that you can feel it by pressing on the base of the skull by your fingers. David Shahar, a health scientist at the University of The Sunshine Coast, Australia said that he has been a clinician for 20 years, and the growth on the skull has been seen from last decade which is a fascinating feature about the changing human skeleton.  The main reason behind this bony spike has not yet identified, but it might come from constantly bending one's neck at uncomfortable angles to look at smart devices. The weight of the human head is about 4.5 kilograms and bending it forward to look at funny cat photos can strain the neck.  In a study conducted by Journal of Anatomy, Shahar and a colleague viewed the radiographs of 218 young patients aged between 18 to 30 to identify how many of them have these bump. Regular spikes had to be at least 0.2 inches and enlarged one will be 0.4 inches.  These bony spikes are apparently here to stay said Shahar. Luckily these spikes are not likely to cause any medical issues and for those who are feeling the discomfort can try to improve their body posture he suggested.
In current days people spend more time in scrolling their smart phones that tends to be changing the skulls. This may be the reason for growing a weird, bony spike just above the necks especially in youngsters.

This bony skull bump named as an external occipital protuberance is sometimes so large that you can feel it by pressing on the base of the skull by your fingers. David Shahar, a health scientist at the University of The Sunshine Coast, Australia said that he has been a clinician for 20 years, and the growth on the skull has been seen from last decade which is a fascinating feature about the changing human skeleton.

The main reason behind this bony spike has not yet identified, but it might come from constantly bending one's neck at uncomfortable angles to look at smart devices. The weight of the human head is about 4.5 kilograms and bending it forward to look at funny cat photos can strain the neck.

In a study conducted by Journal of Anatomy, Shahar and a colleague viewed the radiographs of 218 young patients aged between 18 to 30 to identify how many of them have these bump. Regular spikes had to be at least 0.2 inches and enlarged one will be 0.4 inches.  These bony spikes are apparently here to stay said Shahar. Luckily these spikes are not likely to cause any medical issues and for those who are feeling the discomfort can try to improve their body posture he suggested.

Bone spikes on their skulls | Smart phones may be the reason | This may be the reason for growing a weird | bony spike just above the necks especially in youngsters | Humans are growing uncanny