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What do you know about Albert Einstein?

There have been very big scientists in the world, but all those Albert Einstein are always kept in the top. Albert Einstein was a theoretical physicist. He is known for the theory of relativity and the mass-energy equation E = mc2. Albert Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1921 for his discovery of light energy emission.

Albert has made his contribution in many fields such as relative brahmands, motion of cells, brunettes of molecules, Kantan theory of one-molecule gas and thermal properties and geometry of physics, etc. More than 50 research papers and many books on Science Upper Has written In the year 1999, Times magazine declared him a Shatabdi Purush and he is counted among the great scientists of the world.

Einstein has distributed in excess of 300 logical research papers. Einstein's intellectual achievements and singularities have made Einstein Words synonymous with intelligence.

Albert einstein

Full Name - Albert Heimer Einstein
Born - 14 March 1879, Ulma, Germany
Death - 18 April 1955, New Jersey, USA
Father's Name - Heimer Einstein
Mother's Name - Pauline Koch
Residence - Germany, Italy, Austria and USA
Citizenship - Germany, Belgium and America
Marriage - twice, first - with Mariak and second - with Alyssa Lowen
Children - Kadamuni Margate (adopted daughter)
Caste - Jewish
Field - Physics Philosophy
Education - from ETH and University of Zurich
Medical Advisor - Alfred Kleiner
Disciple - Unst and Nathon Rosen
Fame - light energy effects, mass energy equivalence and Bose Einstein data
Honors - Physics Nobel Prize (1921), Copley Medal, Max Palanc Medal, Centenary of the Great Prize (1999)

Biography of Albert Einstein:

Albert Einstein was conceived on 14 March 1879 in Germany. Albert Einstein comes from Judaism. His family is a Jew. His father was an engineer and salesman. From his childhood, Albert Einstein was good in studies and topped the class all the time. His language is German, after this he also gained knowledge of Italian and English languages.

In 1880 his family moved to the city of Munich where his father and uncle opened a company. This company manufactures electrical appliances. At one time, he also arranged electricity at the Munich city fair. His mother taught him to play the violin, but he did not like it. He was not interested in music. He had his early education in Catholic primary school.

Einstein initially began manufacturing models and electric mechanical devices. In the year 1889, Albert Einstein was introduced by Max Talmud to 10-year-old Einstein from important texts in science. Talmud was Albert's friend and a student of Judaism. The Talmud whole-heartedly inspired Einstein through many secular academic interests.

Albert Einstein's personal life:

Einstein was an emotional, passionate and anti-racist. Albert Einstein was also a member of the Princeton National Association of the Advancement of Colored People. From which Albert considered the "worst sick" for African Americans' civil rights. He joined the civil rights activist W.E.B.DO BOIS.

Albert also visited Lincoln University in Pennsylvania during 1946. This university is a black college. There he was also awarded an honorary degree. Einstein once said in his speech that he said "I have no intention of remaining silent about this". A resident of Princeton recalls that Einstein also paid fees for black students in college education Was

Einstein's scientific time and work:

Albert Einstein published hundreds of books and papers during his lifetime. Einstein published more than 300 scientific and non-scientific research papers. Apart from his own work, he also collaborated with other scientists. Including Bose Einstein's data Einstein Refrigerator and many more.

1905 Mirabilis Papers:

This paper is related to 4 articles that Einstein published in 1905 in a scientific journal called Onalander Physics, in which light-lightning effect gave rise to the ideas in it. Bronion motion special relativism and e = mc2 are included. These 4 articles have contributed greatly to the foundation of modern physics and changed the thinking of people on space time and fluid.
1. An inferred view on the production and change of light
2. Necessary for molecular kinetic theory of heat at the speed of small particles dissolved in a stable        liquid
3. On the electro-dynamic of moving particles
4. Does the inactivity of a body rely upon its vitality content

Thermodynamics and instability:

In 1900, Einstein was on Einstein's first research paper presented to Physic. It has been published in 1901 with the title Findings from the Interpretation of the Causative Event, which shows that Brown-neon motion is used as solid evidence for the presence of molecules. His research in 1903 and 1904 mainly focused on diffusion phenomena. But the effects of finite atomic size are related.

Photon and Energy Quanta:

In a letter in 1905, Einstein has said that light is made up of localized particles (quanta). Einstein's light quanta hypothesis was not considered by all physicists, including Max Planck and Niels Burr. This hypothesis was universally accepted in 1919, with Robert Mulliken's long experiment on light-light effects and the measurement of Copton scattering.

Einstein concludes that every wave of recurring f is the energy hf Planck constant. He has not told more about this because he was not confirmed, some experiments can be explained by researching what is later called specifically Prakash Viddut.

Gait angle:

It was expanded during the 1910s to bring it into the realm of quantum mechanics in different ways. After the discovery of the nucleus of Arnett Rutherford and the motion, electrons revolve in orbit like planets. Niels Boh was able to show that the discrete motion of electrons in the atoms of elements and the periodic table of elements can be explained by the quaternary mechanical introduced by Planck and developed by Einstein.

Non-scientific heritage:

Einstein once wrote a letter to his wife Elsa and adopted daughter Kadamuni Margate. Margaret Einstein had given permission to make these private letters available to the public, but also requested that they should not be done till 20 years after her death. He died in 1986.

Einstein expressed his interest in the profession of cool plumber and was later made an honorary member of the Plumber and Steam-Fitters Union. Albert Einstein Barbara Wolfe of the University of Hibu told the BBC that there were around 3500 letters for personal correspondence written between 1912 and 1955.

Interesting fact :

In the pre-World War period, the New Yorker published a news report in one of his "Talk of Town" columns, so well known that people stopped him on the road and asked him to explain the ideas he gave. They say to them "Forgive me". People often think of Professor Einstein as Einstein in his life, the subject of novels, films, plays and music or love. There are compassion.

Albert Einstein used to create a blueprint in his mind by using the visualization of research, his laboratory was more accurate than that.

Awards and honors :

Einstein has received many awards and honors. In 1922, he was awarded the International Nobel Prize for his services to the field of physics and in particular for the discovery of the law of photo-eletric effect. If no nomination in 1921 met the criteria set by Alfred Nobel, then the award of 1921 went ahead. In 1922 Einstein was honored in it.

Ideas of Albert Einstein:

* We are all equally intelligent before God and equally foolish.
* There are two ways to live life. The first is that some miracles are not, the second is that everything     in the world is miracles.
* The individual who never committed an error never had a go at anything new.
* Do not attempt to be a successful person, but rather human beings who follow values.

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