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New Study Throws Light on The Appearance of a Fatal Fungal Infection Due to Global Warming

A latest study undertaken to find out the origins of a lethal fungal infection concludes that global warming is responsible for the emergence of Candida auris, a fungus that is capable of causing the death of any individual who is in close contact with a bearer of the infection. It is also known that the fatal fungal infection has appeared in faraway corners of the world at the same time.

News sources reveal that the fungus Candida auris was first spotted in a Japanese patient who was suffering from an ear infection. Thereafter it started appearing in patients without any obvious connection and who were admitted at various hospitals across South America, Africa
and Asia.

Dr. Arturo Casadevall, chairperson of the molecular microbiology and immunology department at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, states that the extreme enigma is how there can be the similar species of the fungus appearing in diverse continents at about the
same time while genetic differences are evident in them.

Casadevall and his team undertook a research on Candida auris by examining other fungi that belong to the same family. They soon found out that most of them are unable to live in the higher temperatures inside the human body and this made them conclude that this particular
type of fungus may have adjusted to warmer temperatures.

Further, it is noteworthy that most of the fungi are able to grow and develop in the air temperature of the environment and out of them only a small number can endure the temperature of our body. What is worrying is that the warmer air temperatures resulting global warming will enable some species of fungi to defy the thermal restriction area that prohibits lethal fungi from entering our body. Thus it is evident that global warming has made it possible for Candida auris to adjust to high body temperature and kill human beings.

Source: time.com

Fatal Fungal Infection | Fungus Candida auris | Molecular microbiology and immunology | Research on Candida auris 

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