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What Are the Norms of Social Distancing That Can Help Us Win the War Against Coronavirus?

Soon after the declaration of the COVID-19 outbreak as an epidemic by the World Health Organisation (WHO), the Indian government advised people to maintain social distancing, to remain in their houses most of the times and to step out only in emergency situations. Social distancing can be defined as the act of ensuring a certain amount of physical distance from others. The term “social distancing” includes avoiding direct contact with people or objects in the public space during the eruption of an infectious ailment with the aim of lessening exposure and reducing the spread of infection. The government of India has recommended social distancing to all Indians with the aim of putting a halt to the spread of coronavirus and to achieve this goal, the government has enforced a 21-day lockdown throughout the entire nation till 14th April 2020, suggesting people to work from home and lessen their interaction with friends, colleagues and other acquaintances. Here are several guidelines relating to social distancing that one should follow in order to win the battle against coronavirus:

1.If you are having doubts whether you can step out of your home and mingle with people if you are healthy then bear in mind that regardless of whether you are blessed with good health or not ,you should abide by the rules of social distancing or physical distancing until and unless the pandemic is brought under control. To prevent the spread of coronavirus, everyone must be willing to socially distance themselves.

2. Instead of visiting brick-and-mortar stores to buy goods, you can use ecommerce delivery services and make sure that you maintain safe physical distance from others. However, it is the best idea to ensure that you don`t take packages directly from agents and instead they leave them outside your door. You can ask them to it and it will definitely lower the risk of coronavirus infection.

3. However, if you have to step out of your home to attend to an emergency, you need to adopt a few safety measures. One of these is to wash your hands before leaving your house and also after the work is finished and you are back in your house. When you wash your hands, it will ensure that you don`t end up transmitting the coronavirus infection to a particular surface which others will come in contact with. And washing hands after finishing the urgent task is equally important to make sure that you don`t get infected.

4. You should avoid crowded restaurants and instead you can choose to order food online. Use the Zomato or Swiggy app and order from only those restaurants that are following the safe and the best hygiene practices.

5.  If you are experiencing the corornavirus symptoms such as cough, fever, difficulty in breathing or others like runny nose, fatigue, pain in the throat, pain in the body etc. you should opt for self-isolation. Also, you will need to visit a doctor and when you step out of your house, don`t forget to wear a mask.